Hemorrhoids, Why do They Itch?

Hemorrhoids (also known as piles) are a condition that affects millions of people worldwide; hemorrhoids are prevalent in pregnant women. They can be caused by many factors such as pregnancy, obesity, and sitting for periods. As hemorrhoids swell up, they create pressure on surrounding nerves which triggers feelings such as itching and burning. When they become itchy, it is because of increased blood flow around the anal area. Also, they grow bigger when irritated causing more swelling and pinching on nerve endings- thus creating an itch sensation.

Why do hemorrhoids itch?

Prevention and relief from itching are the number one concern for hemorrhoid sufferers regarding treatment. For many, the mere mention of hemorrhoids brings visions of intense itching and burning in the anal area. They itch for a variety of reasons which can include:

– The presence of blood: as they grow bigger, they may begin to bleed, which will attract bacteria and increase the likelihood of infection. When bacteria start to multiply, it will cause inflammation and further irritation.

– Increased blood flow: as they swell up, they create more pressure on surrounding nerves which triggers feelings such as itching and burning.

– Friction: they can become itchy if too much friction or rubbing against clothing or skin.

– Allergies: itchy hemorrhoids can also be a sign of an allergic reaction to something that has come into contact with the area.

– Dry skin: they can become itchy if the skin around them is dry.

How do you stop hemorrhoids from itching?

There are many ways that you can stop them from itching, some of which are listed below:

– Apply a cold compress: a cold compress will help reduce inflammation and swelling. It can also help numb the area and relieve any discomfort or itchiness.

– Use hemorrhoid cream or ointment: creams and ointments are available over the counter and can help soothe the area and reduce inflammation and irritation.

– Drink plenty of fluids: Drinking plenty of fluids will help keep the skin hydrated and can help to reduce any itching sensations.

– Eat a healthy diet: a balanced and healthy diet can help to improve symptoms and prevent them from returning.

– Bathe in Epsom salts: adding Epsom salts to a bath can help soothe, relieve pain and itching, and reduce swelling.

– Use a hemorrhoid pillow: hemorrhoid pillows are designed to provide extra support and can help to reduce pressure and discomfort.

– Avoid sitting for long periods: sitting for long periods of time can aggravate them, so try to take breaks often or switch positions frequently.

– Wear loose baggy clothing: wearing loose, baggy clothing can also help them from becoming itchy.

Avoid scented soaps or wipes: many creams and ointments contain perfumes, and some people may be sensitive to them.

– Practice hemorrhoid hygiene: poor hygiene can leave your hemorrhoids vulnerable to itching and irritation. Ensure that you know the correct way of cleaning, and always dry yourself thoroughly after washing or bathing.

– Get enough sleep: getting a good night’s sleep is important for preventing itching as well as general health.

What are hemorrhoid treatments?

Prevention and relief from itching are the number one concern for hemorrhoid sufferers’ hemorrhoid treatment. For many, the mere mention of hemorrhoids brings visions of intense itching and burning in the anal area.

Treatments vary depending on what type you have as well as the severity of your symptoms. However, some common treatments include:

– Creams and ointments: over-the-counter creams and ointments can help soothe the area and reduce inflammation and irritation.

Suppositories: suppositories are medications inserted into the anus for treatment.

Sitz baths: a sitz bath is a warm water bath that is used to soak the hemorrhoids – this can help relieve pain and itching and reduce swelling.

– Surgery: Surgery is only recommended for severe cases and is used to remove or shrink the hemorrhoids.

Preventing hemorrhoids from itching is critical in reducing overall discomfort and preventing long-term damage. However, if they are already present, several treatments can relieve the itching. If they are left untreated, they may become more inflamed and irritated, so it is important to seek medical advice if they are causing you significant discomfort. They affect millions of people each year, but with the right treatments and tips for preventing itching, you can get on the path to recovery!

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